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Top Tips to Find Your Type as an Actor

By The Up-To-Date Actor, May 16, 2022


As much as we might like to believe that any actor can play every part, the reality is that most actors have a type – and that’s not a bad thing! Every actor falls into one or more categories. Finding your type as an actor is an instrumental part of developing yourself in this world. As you progress throughout your career, your type may change, evolve, and grow. Actors’ types are not set in stone, but it is important to be aware of what yours is so you know how to market yourself. That’s why we put together some of the top tips for finding your type as an actor.

Let the Industry Type You

You may have a specific look, set of skills, embody certain demographics, or have life experiences that lend themselves to you falling into a specific type from the get-go. In these cases, your type may be obvious. In other circumstances, however, you may have to play a bit of the waiting game just to get started. Instead of telling casting directors how you want to be typecast, let the industry type you. Pay attention to the types of roles you are typically cast in and take note of their similarities. What types of auditions do you get called in for, or better yet, get called back for? Do people tend to see you as the funny friend, the quirky sidekick, or the one who steals the show? These are neither good nor bad, but rather valuable information for how to market yourself in the industry.

Ask the Pros for Their Input

Asking mentors or those you look up to in the industry for feedback can go a long way when it comes to finding your type as an actor. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers, acting coaches, directors, casting directors, or other industry professionals for their input regarding how they would type you. While you may not get the immediate answer you want to hear, a professional’s perspective could help you determine if you are on the right track for your goals or if you need to pivot your approach.

Be Open to Change

If you don't agree with how you are being cast or the type of auditions you are getting, then your marketing materials (headshot, resume, and reel) are not properly representing you. An updated headshot, resume, and reel could put you in a better position for getting the roles you want.

  • Reel: If you think you are a comedic type but your reel only contains materials from dramas, it’s unlikely that you will get considered for comedies or comedic roles.
  • Headshot: Update your headshot to convey the tone and type for which you want to be cast. For example, an actor who is routinely cast as the “mom” may be giving off a wise, maternal look. If your goal is to get cast as a scrappy hopeful in your early twenties, a more youthful, innocent look may be what you need.
  • Resume: You may not have as much experience as you’d like, but that doesn’t mean you can’t highlight the experience you have! Shine a light on the roles or projects that are relevant to the type you want and consider leaving off one or two projects that may not serve you in this transition. For example, if the bulk of your experience is in theatre but you want to move into film/TV, leave off a few theatre credits and move the few film/TV credits you have to the top of the list.

Take control of your career and start booking the jobs you want when you sign up for an account with Up-to-Date Actor today! Feel free to contact us for additional information.