Blog: Managers

Managers Agents

What Is the Difference Between a Talent Agent and a Talent Manager?

By , April 25, 2022
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Are you unclear about the difference between a talent agent and a talent manager? A lot of people mix up the two. Read on to learn about the differences between talent agents and talent managers, including their roles, responsibilities, and how they can help grow your career.

What Do Talent Agents Do?

Talent agents have a rather specific job: to find the best roles for their actor clients. Once your talent agent has found a role for which they think you would be well-suited, the next step is to get you an audition and put you in front of the right people at the right time.

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Can Talent Managers Help Actors Get Auditions?

By , April 18, 2022
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The primary role of a personal talent manager is to oversee the coordination of all areas of an actor’s career. This includes developing new projects, producing, and working with them on individual tasks. Talent managers’ duties span a wide range depending on their engagement with a specific performer. While talent managers were not previously responsible for getting their talent auditions, there is a growing trend of the hybrid agent/manager that has become particularly popular throughout NYC over the years.

In this article, you’ll learn more about the role of a talent manager and how talent managers can help actors get auditions.

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Is it Necessary to Hire a Talent Manager?

By , April 11, 2022
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If you’ve asked yourself, “Do I need a talent manager?”, the answer is probably yes. Talent managers can be instrumental to the success of a performer.  Whether you are just starting your professional career or have an established following and need someone to oversee it, a talent manager can help streamline your appointments and develop you in the entertainment industry.

Up-To-Date Actor has access to some of NYC’s top talent managers so actors and performers can get the exposure they need to succeed. If you’re still unsure, don’t worry! We know just how confusing the world of talent representation can be. That’s why we’ll answer all of your questions surrounding the necessity of talent managers to help you decide the best move for your professional career.

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